Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday, hello weekend...

Tomorrow the wife and I are going to go to the Cal State Fullerton's Arboretum. They have an annual plant sale, called the "Green Scene". Pretty neato things there. Lots of small, unusual geraniums. A few exotic vendors that mainly deal with orchids, ferns, palms, and bamboos. I hope to get some exotic tomatoe plants. My neighbor, Jameson is having to leave the island. (Lord, be with Vena)
That is a whole new blog alone. The Scanlans have pretty much adopted us since we moved to the island. Change is a very hard thing to accept, and we will miss them dearly.
Moving on. Jameson is giving me a few cut whisky barrels to do whatever I want with them. I think Im gonna line them up in a row, and throw a few tomatoe plants in 'em. That sounds like it would be a great summertime harvest. Speaking of, I am soooo looking forward to this summer. It will be the last that Cass and I will be without a child for a long, long time.
Im looking forward to our 24 hour jaunt to the mainland. I really love seeing my family. I know my dad is thrilled when we come over. I wish sometimes there would be a road that he could just get on, and drive here to Avalon to visit us. Buuuut, then I realize that means *the others could visit us. I hope Rory, Zach, Jameson, and even mr. Jay can all go camping this summer. My little Daihatsu has never gone into the hills. This should be fun. Anyways, I'm out.

*not from the t.v. show Lost, I mean like in-laws, awkard friends, etc...

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