Sunday, April 29, 2007

smells like summer...

more and more tourists are lining the streets as I try to go downtown to the grocery store or the mole. its great to know that spearfishing along pebbly beach is just around the corner. yee-haw.
so when cassie comes back from the mainland on thursdays we tend to go over our seperate agendas and mesh them together. between work, friends, and mainland trips sometimes our calendars have a few conflicts. lately its been a headache with a concert (tool!), birthdays, mothers day, a wedding, + all of the other goolosh that normally happens.
Lord help me.
anyhow... I have a million other things that are floating around in my head that I just want to vomit out right now, but I have dishes to do now... yeah for me.
-insanely yours,


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