Monday, March 19, 2007


so this past weekend I along with my amigo, Steve Jewell flew out of LAX (yuck) to Denver, (yeah!) Colorado. It was a long overdue trip to go see a close friend of mine, Steve Broberg. He has known me since I was 12 when my voice was cracking due to the wonderful time of puberty. Upon our arrival we found out that just that day he was laid off from work. It wasnt as bad as I thought it to be as he told me it was almost a weight lifted off of his shoulders. A new season seems to be coming for him. I met alot of his new Coloroidian friends at his new church (Evangelical Free Church of Castle Rock, I believe). They were super friendly and assured Steve his new job is in the works. They sent out his resume to CEO's of various local companies, and of course word of mouth looks promising as well. I pray the best for a new job for him.
Anyways, It was a great trip out there. Beautiful country. A sunny weekend with a little snow left on the ground. We went hiking through Roxbourough State park, Garden of the Gods, and a brief hike up to what his city is named after; Castle Rock. All held beautiful scenery & wildlife. I got to see Groundhogs for the first time. They immediately reminded me of that game I used to play at Chucky Chesses' with the little gophers sticking out thier heads from holes and you bop them on the head with a soft hammer. HA! There were also magpies, a pretty black & white bird almost resembling a crow. Lots of mule deer, and a ton of cattle. Colorado offers a great scene of the Rocky mountains with a foreground of rolling hills. I was fourtunate enough to see the grass just beggining to turn a new green for spring. It was all postcard worthy.
And now here I am, back home safely (Thank you Lord) on the little island where we call home. Nothing exiting @ work. Another day, another dollar, right?
Cait wait to go back to Colorado.


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