Tuesday, September 29, 2009

90% effacement?!?

some or most of dads may know this term. From what I understand (sheesh- so much to learn!) the effacement term is when a woman's cervix begins to thin out to make way for baby to leave his or hers home that they started in. God is amazing. So many things about reproduction are fascinating to me. Our doc, Dr. Z- AWESOME. He loves the Lord and explains everything in a way of praise towards our creator.
Anyways... we have been keeping busy lately. Cass had her last shower this past Saturday at a tea room in Yorba Linda. We then took all the wonderful gifts to the barge yesterday. A whopping 340 pounds of baby paraphernalia. Yikes! We were originally planning on going back home for a few hours sometime tomorrow, but Dr. Z strongly suggested staying near the hospital. I DON'T want to risk anything for Jacob here. We went to an Angels game on Sunday with my brother and Curlee. They won, and it was a ton of fun. Today we had lunch with our good friend Ken Putnam and then Cass & I went to the O.C. Zoo. We are now leaving in a bit to meet up with Julia @ the "Gypsy Den". Should be good grub, on the healthier side.
Well, hopefully we are just days away from Jacob coming into this world!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"Son of a Burch!!!"

yes, that is correct. Today... (in a few minutes) we leave for the Lobster Trap. At that wonderful location we will be having the island version of a baby-shower (yuck) and its gonna be FUN! We have called it "son of a Burch" due to a friend of mine that shot me a text with that very statement. I read it aloud to my wife, and she said that is gonna be the header on our fliers. HA! It is also alot better to say that than having the words "baby, baby-shower, bottles, formula, etc." That tends to deter guys. At first I was hesitant... but why not? Quite alot of my homies are coming... and heck- there is a pool table and delicious appetizers! Holla!
Gotta run!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

art show, weekend, one more work week...

Just in that very order.
This weekend I have some friends in town for the annual "Catalina Art show". Should be good. Artshow by day, memories by night. Jameson & Matt Wright are the dudes here, as well as Mandi (Pitts!). Cass & I will be meeting up with them sometime later on this evening. I hope its a profitable weekend for all.
Well... next week should be my last for awhile as we leave the island to wait for baby Jacob! Horray! I'm getting more and more exited as time flies!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Closer, and closer...

Time is flying! We are about 18 days away from the due date. (Oct. 3rd.)
On or around that date, my life will be forever changed. I'm really exited. That seems to be the most popular question with all my friends and family lately. "You exited??" Ha. YES! I know that at the same time of joy, there will be some uneasy nerves. I don't want to mess up! Lord, grant me the patience and grace of your love.
This past weekend was good. Got the car seat, just in case he decides to see the world earlier than planned. Went out to Temecula to see my pal Dave Quiggle. Rory went with, as he usually does. It was good times. Got a panther filled in, and had great conversations about parenting, life, and World of Warcraft, holla!!!
The wife is all done with her CMA schooling. That was a nightmare towards the end. It must have been even harder on her going back and fourth from Garden Grove to Alhambra daily. What a trek, not to mention her back is in constant pain from my boy growing daily! Welcome home, woman.
We are just starting the process of relocating some items in and around the home to welcome Jacob in. I'm slowly realizing that we are gonna need more room. Yikes. I know this will all work out, and I need to take it one step at a time. BABY-STEPS! HA! (What about Bob)
Until next time...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

AWS certified, baby

That's right. Today my instructor gave me my welding certification for flat and horizontal stick welding. Pretty neato. If time allows, maybe I can advance to vertical and overhead later this week, hmm...
My poor wifey is in baby-pain now. Her back is really taking a toll during her pregnancy. Its hard to tell her its going to be OK when there is another month left and quite honestly, its only going to get worse. Yikes!
I want to go back to Shingletown. I don't know why, maybe its a Burch thing that's in my blood. I know my dad does for sure. There are "burn" piles that need to be assembled. I don't want my dad attempting to do them on his own. He is not in the physical shape he once used to be. Nice to know I have a son in the oven that will one day help his dad out up north, ha! 


Saturday, September 5, 2009

sheesh, what a week

Got back yesterday from a week of training overtown. It's been good learning about stick welding. Hot, at times. Weather over there tends to be a bit higher than here. We usually get the ocean breeze and a cloudless day during the summer months. Over there I felt like the sun was beaming down rays like how a mean kid burns ants on the sidewalk. One more week to go. Hooray.
Next weekend I'm supposed to get some more ink done by Dave. Some pieces need to be filled in, and I have a couple new ideas. Exited for that. 
Rory is here. He is being himself, sitting... consuming, and hopefully relaxing. Part friend, part dirty sow. 
Cassie and I have been asked about how much we have prepared for the baby. Our answer- Nothing. That's right. We have really not done anything at all when it comes to our little home here. We have one more baby shower on the mainland for my side of the family then the "big" one over here on the island. Should be good. After those two, we will assess the situation of what we have & what we need. I'm pretty sure that there will be some baby furniture assembling in the near future for me. HA! Looking forward to Jacob. I know that he will bring us a new kind of love and joy that we have never felt before. I haven't even looked into the eyes of my baby boy but in my heart, I know its soon. 
Take care.